The Flower Bouquet - Florists Ashford Kent


Flowers Ashford Kent


Freelance florist Ashford Kent


Flowers and bouquets in Ashford - Kingsnorth Kent and surrounding areas.



Call for prices




Tel: 01233 621800

Mob: 07528 237517


I am a passionate, enthusiastic, Dutch freelance florist who moved to UK from Holland in 1998. I studied Interior Design at Norwich University and floristry at Hadlow College, completing my diploma in floristry with distinction. I also gained a Silver Gilt Medal at the RHS flower show at Hampton Court as a part of a floristry design


I bring together clean European lines and contemporary design, merging with English styles, to provide something truly unique and beautiful for any occasion.


I have a natural flare for floristry, being able to create stunning floral designs as a gift, or elegant sophisticated pieces for weddings or bespoke designs for sympathy tributes. I can take your ideas and transform them into floral arrangements, or I can create beautiful bouquets and centre pieces in line with your expectations.


I am based from Kingsnorth in the centre of Kent with my husband, John, dog Max and Norman, Miena, Fiena, Agnes and Ethel the Chickens.