Florists Ashford Kent, Flowers Ashford

Come and visit the Flower Bouquet Workshop

Woodcock Green - Church Hill - Kingsnorth - TN23 3ET


01233 621800

Flowers Ashford Kent!


Local florist Ashford Kent Wedding flowers and Sympathy Tributes Ashford Kent and surrounding areas.




The Flower Bouquet


Tel: 01233 621800

Mob: 07528 237517


The Flower Bouquet is a bespoke florist in Ashford Kent that prides itself on delivering outstanding service and attention to detail.


With The Flower Bouquet you will get a very personalised service, using over 10 years of experience and a lot of passion, to provide the perfect wedding flowers or sympathy tribute.


I personally strive to make sure our superior quality flowers and bouquets enhance every occasion!


Liana Rabbetts

NPTC Qualified Florist Ashford - Kingsnorth Kent




Find me in the "Good Florist Guide"